Proposed here is a method of in-network processing that gathers information only where and when it is needed. Systems build context at runtime by creating ...
In-Net relies on static analysis to allow platforms to check whether the requested processing is safe, and whether it contradicts the operator's policies. We ...
A network processor is an integrated circuit which has a feature set specifically targeted at the networking application domain. Intel FWIXP422BB. History of development · Reconfigurable Match-Tables · Architectural paradigms
In-network data processing is a common technique in which an intermediate proxy node is chosen to house a possibly complicated data transformation function to ...
In-Network query processing refers to the complete or partial evaluation of database queries at the edges of a network, rather than in a centralized ...
This article focuses on the concept of Process-in-Network (PIN), which is defined as the possibility that the network processes information as it is being ...
In-network processing is a technique employed in sensor database systems whereby the data recorded is processed by the sensor nodes themselves . This is in contrast to the standard approach, which demands that data is routed to a so-called sink compu
In-network processing, where data is processed by special-purpose devices as it passes over the network, is showing great promise at improving application ...